Sedona April 21 -- Rest Day sort of

Nighttime view of pool from our room

Nice Lazy day.  Around 9am this morning, no one was in the hot tub, so we made a dash for it.  Kevin also swam some laps in the pool. 

Since our legs are tired, we decided for a rest type of day, with solo rides and car pickups at the bottom.

Francine went first, and got dropped off at the Adante Trailhead for an overall downhill ride.  Rode out Adante to Teacup to Soldiers Pass Trail.  Made the obligatory stop at the Sink Hole.

Sign at edge of Sinkhole on Soldiers Pass Trail/Jordan

View and trail at Sinkhole

On to Jordan Trail to left onto Ant Hill, to a final descent on Grand Central.  Next, took a left onto Crusty to the Hwy89.  Crossed Hwy89 and rode to Kevin & the mini-van.  Grand Central was still a firm packed, narrow, curvy, fun trail.  Teacup & Adante were quite wide from hikers and dusty.  Only climbed 388feet for an 833 descent over 5.5 miles.

Went home for lunch.  Kevin took a nap, and Francine walked the trails that go around the north end of the resort.  Crossed the fence, and made it to the Cultural Center and then home.

Next was Kevin, who planned a more ambitious ride with more climbing.

Rode the bike across the street, next to the high school.  With Francine picking me up at the valley bottom, I maximized my ride and rode out the ridge on Skywalker.   Trails were in great shape and only ran into a couple hikers during the five mile ride.   Feel so lucky to have this quality riding across the street.  Trails were mix of smooth with some technical rock sections and some good steep downhills.  Rode:  Skywalker, Old Post, Carrol Canyon, Ridge Trail to the Crescent Moon Picnic Site. 5 miles.

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