I arrived at
Alpental parking lot at 8:50 and secured one of the last parking spots at the ski area. With 6" new, up to a foot predicted, and Crystal and Stevens closed, it was going to be a busy day. Luckily, I quickly left the crowds behind, and started touring towards Chair Peak with Seth, Josh, and Eric. We had, maybe, 4 people ahead of us, and lots of
untracked slopes. At Snow Lake divide we turned left to climb over the shoulder of Chair and down the North slope to Snow Lake. We would not see another person or track until just before re-entering
Alpental valley at Bryant Pass. Nice to have an alternate universe only a quick skin away! The visibility was in and out, but the snow was boot deep and fluffy light. Finished the day with Bryant
couloir. Not many days when you can go around Chair and have good snow on all aspects.